Getting to know your prospects and competitors can be a huge advantage in today’s complex market conditions. We help you earn those brownie points with our comprehensive and efficient sales intelligence solutions. With a mix of sales software, our competent consultants and in depth research reports, we give you complete insight into what, when and how of selling your products and services.
We cover sales intelligence from all tangents. While it is prudent to know your consumers, it is also necessary to know about your own strengths and weaknesses regarding sales techniques. We cover the entire sales cycle from list building and pipeline to follow ups. Hence, there is no reason why you should miss out on the benefits that we offer.
Why must it be always be cold contacts that you call? Get the information that will convert them into leads that are ready to buy when you approach them.
Being 100% prepared for your sales presentations can double the success rate. You can know the core needs of your prospects and say exactly what they want to hear.
This means faster conversions, shorter sales cycles and higher revenue. We help you differentiate between customers who are merely making enquiry and those who are ready to buy.
Companies that adopt sales intelligence see a boost in profits by over 20%.
We create and constantly add to a strong database of leads that are well qualified.
A number of statistical methods are applied for ascertaining time bound sales figures.
Through goal setting, CRM integration and lead tracking we optimise your sales pipeline.
Through targeted use of engagement analytics, lead scoring and automation we help you understand buyer behaviour.
Getting all the data analysed in simple and usable format is a blessing for your sales force. We acquire measurable data, as well as behavioural insights, form detailed reports and provide timely consultation. Your team will be much better prepared with the right answers. When you know the ‘hot button’ of your prospects, finalising deals becomes a cakewalk.
We choose the best software for sales intelligence that minimises time lapses. Plus, we keep you updated about all the developments in the market that can impact the sales of your products and services. All this comes with a close collaboration with your team for round the clock support.